This brand new high school for East Lothian Council commissioned through HUB South East is the first project in Phase 1 of the Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) to reach site.
The Wallyford Learning Campus accommodates 950 secondary pupils, a 50 pupil severe and complex needs, a Learning Resource Centre, Tots and Teens Creche and café. As well as this it houses a dedicated STEAM centre which aims to provide up skilling courses for the whole community
Location: East Lothian
Client: Hub South East Scotland & East Lothian Council
Value: £ 47 Million
Project Dates: 2023
The site of the school and surrounding new town has been subject to substantial historic coal mineral extraction. As such a significant enabling works package was required to stabilise the ground in the form of grouting and mine shaft capping. The building itself was strategically positioned to avoid the known mine shafts on the site.
The site falls significantly from north to south and as such dictated a split level ground floor with a 4m high RC concrete retaining wall bisecting the site. The double height sports facilities and games halls were located at this lower level to reduce their dominance on the landscape. To the south of the building is generous landscaped gardens with associated break out spaces.
The main structure is a braced steel frame, and composes a series of wings which each join to form a large central and 20m clear span atrium at the heart of the building. This central atrium houses dinning, social space and entertaining zones and is overlooked by a cantilevering science super lab.
With the building strategically located centrally on the site this creates external areas that are both welcoming and attractive but provide secure school grounds, with the provision of spaces for teaching and learning. Through the design of the externals and use of landscaping spaces were created that have an immediate positive impact upon arrival and help settle the building into its new town.