Goodson Associates was appointed in 2017 to provide full Civil and Structural Design for the redevelopment of the Grade B listed c.1908 Perth City Hall Building. The project included working alongside Perth & Kinross Council and HUB East Central on a Marque Project for the local community.
This proposals cover the whole city centre redevelopment including public realm works, the introduction of a new feature vennel through the existing building, major building structural alterations, a three storey pavilion exhibition space, introduction of new lifts and relevelling of existing feature balconies areas to create new gallery areas. We additionally provided input on the unique showcase features within the museum including Pictish standing stones and the nationally significant Stone of Destiny.
The project won an award as Best Cultural or Event Space Project at the Scottish Structural Awards 2024.
Location: City Hall, King Edward Street, Perth
Client: HUB East Central Scotland & Perth Kinross Council
Value: £ 26 Million
Project Dates: 2024
Due to the amount of information required to work within a Historic Building such as this, we required to undertake extensive desk top investigations to understand the form of the existing building and subsequent alterations. This informed intrusive investigations of the condition and structural integrity of the existing building.
The design process has since been driven utilising a full Revit Model to BIM execution Class 2. A detailed cloud point survey of the existing building has proved invaluable for the coordination of existing structure, M&E installation, new structure and architectural finishes. In addition, we have also led the design of the surrounding public realm including the reconfiguration of levels and associated drainage and service diversions.